May Newsletter



SimplyBe Coffee and The Clothing Closet are celebrating their one-year anniversary on Church Street in Leesburg!
It is hard to believe it has been a year since we made such a big move – opening a SECOND Clothing Closet location and moving SimplyBe to the downtown area. What a GREAT year we’ve had meeting so many new people, new customers, and making amazing connections with other business and organizations.
If you haven’t had a chance to stop by yet, please come see us on Church Street, right in downtown Leesburg! You can grab a latte and do some shopping all in the same spot! Who could ask for more?
208 Church Street, SE, Leesburg, Virginia

DayBreak Tech Education Event!

We held our first ever DayBreak Tech Education Event for Senior Adults and it was a huge success!
Students from the Woodgrove Fellowship Club presented incredibly helpful information about smart phone features and troubleshooting. The students also worked one-on-one with attendees to answer their individual questions.
It was a great time connecting across #generations and sharing knowledge. We will definitely be doing it again!
Thank you, Woodgrove Fellowship Club!

WGTS 91.9 Coffee Connections

April 9th was an incredible day at SimplyBe Coffee!
We hosted WGTS 91.9’s first ever “Coffee Connections” with Summer Shepherd, as well as a WGTS Sticker Stop! So many wonderful ladies came by to meet Summer and connect with other faithful women in the area. It was an amazing time of fellowship where heartfelt stories and prayers were shared.
We were so grateful to be a part of this event and introduce new people to “coffee with a cause” and join in the WGTS mission of encouragement.
Thank you to everyone who came out – we hope to see you at SimplyBe again soon!

StillWaters Annual Spring Fling

In April, we held our annual StillWaters Spring Fling Dance at Purcellville Baptist Church!
We had nearly 100 attendees enjoy dinner, dancing, and fellowship! It was an incredibly joyful night for all in attendance.
Providing events and support for this amazing community is such a blessing to us and is a key part of our core values, which include “relationship is for all.” Our events allow relationships to blossom and grow between attendees, families, and with our volunteers and staff, creating a community of acceptance and support that helps individuals with disabilities thrive.
If you’d like to get involved with our Still Waters Ministry, please email

Download StillWaters calendar


Our Summer Giveaway event in Purcellville is HUGE! Last year we had over 500 attenees visit us for free clothing, backpacks, school supplies, and more. This year promises to be just as big.

So whether you want to volunteer or attend, put Saturday, August 10th, on your calendar now and stay tuned for more information!

Volunteer signups will be posted on our website as soon as they are ready:

If you have questions, please email


We are so excited to introduce you to Carlos Subiria, our new Food Pantry Manager for Leesburg!!

Carlos was referred to us by Cornerstone Chapel, one of Tree of Life’s 40 sponsoring churches. He began volunteering in our pantry to gain some work experience and he ended up working with us for over 200 hours!

What’s even more exciting, Carlos did such a fantastic job that we hired him to take over the important position of Food Pantry Manager in our Leesburg Tree of Life Center! Carlos is replacing Judah who has been with us for 3 years and done a wonderful job but is moving on to a new phase in his life – including getting married! Carlos joins our stellar food pantry team (pictured) who do amazing work every day to help feed Loudoun.

We are so happy for Judah and incredibly grateful that the Lord provided his replacement in such a seamless manner – what a blessing to have Carlos join our staff!


This month we want to highlight Quail Creek Promotions! The team at Quail Creek is amazing and have been a huge blessing to our ministry.

We began working with them three years ago for our Annual Golf Tournament and their expertise in providing quality products at a great price have expanded our collaboration to include not just golf shirts and goodie bags, but volunteer t-shirts, pens, post-its, grocery bags, and more!

What’s even more amazing, is that they have come to directly support Tree of Life through volunteering at our Leesburg Community Dinners and giving financially.

We are so grateful for this partnership and look forward to many more years working together!

Save the Dates!
Weekly DayBreak Bible Study
Blue Ridge Bible Church, Thursdays, 11am

DayBreak County Info Session
Hamilton Baptist Church, Wednesday, May 15th, 1-3pm

SimplyBe Unplugged
Saturday, May 25th, 12pm, SimplyBe Coffee

Volunteer Introduction Program:
Click HERE for dates and registration.

Save the Date: Thursday, October 10th


As Mother’s Day approaches, some verses come to mind that Paul wrote to Timothy:

“I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” (2 Timothy 1:3-5)

Paul mentored Timothy and knew him very well. Paul knew Timothy’s family, and it is shown in these verses as he recalls not only their names, but their faith. Does anyone really get to know someone else that well in today’s times?

To know about someone’s faith on this level says a lot about both people. Paul cared enough about Timothy and his family to learn about their faith, which he describes as “sincere.” He also states that this is a faith that “lives in you”—a living faith. A living faith is full of hope and joy. Paul is also longing to see Timothy because he knows that he will be filled with joy when he sees him, as a result of encountering this living faith from one brother to the next.

We can honor our mothers this month by talking with them and learning about their faith. Do they have a living faith? If not, are you willing to share your faith with them? And if so, you and she can rejoice together as you long to be filled with joy when you see each other again.

May you be blessed,

Chaplain Wayne Ruckman