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lifeskills Branch
"I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink." Matthew 25:35-36

English Classes
Leesburg, Purcellville, Sterling
Tree of Life offers regular classes to teach English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Classes meet in the evenings so they are most accessible to those working during the day. Classes vary from beginner to advanced.
Need Help?
Need Help?
Tree of Life helps those of all cultures learn English. Please call 540-441-7920.

Want to Help?
This ministry offers students the chance to play a greater role in the community and seek better employment opportunities. It is a rewarding opportunity for volunteers to make a difference. Sign up here to get started!
Financial Coaching
Leesburg, Purcellville, Sterling
If you need help managing money or have credit problems, we are here to listen and discern how we can help. We offer free individual coaching on money management.
Need Help?
Need Help?
Please call Tree of Life at 540-441-7920 to schedule a FREE one-on-one confidential coaching appointment.

Want to Help?
Tree of Life volunteers share their skills with budgeting, credit, and other financial issues to help people address immediate money worries and get on track to a more secure future. Sign up here!
Support Group
Group offering willing Partners (especially Spanish speakers) a chance to work more closely with TOL in addressing their life and relationship challenges using biblical text and from a Christian perspective. The structure supports group fellowship, camaraderie, and mutual support and accountability. This is currently an inactive ministry seeking leadership.
Need Help?
Need Help?
Please call Tree of Life at 540-441-7920 to learn more.
Tree of Life provides homework help for kids, Kindergarten-12th grade. This ministry operates simultaneously with our English Classes (ESOL).
Want to Help?
Want to Help?
If God has gifted you with the abilities to tutor students, sign up to volunteer here!
Work Force Connections
Leesburg, Purcellville
This ministry is devoted to equipping individuals who are unemployed or seeking a better job with the skills, know-how and connections to find their next job.
Need Help?
Need Help?
Our compassionate and supportive volunteers will help you in developing a resume, preparing for interviews, and making connections through networking. Please come no matter what type of job you need. Please call Tree of Life at 540-441-7920 to schedule an appointment with a Job Coach.

Want to Help?
If God has gifted you with the abilities to coach others in resume writing, interview preparation, or networking, sign up to volunteer here!
Work Heartily
Based on Colossians 3:23: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men," this ministry aims to place individuals with disabilities/special needs in the workplace.
Need Help?
Need Help?
Please call Tree of Life at 540-441-7920 or email info@tolministries to schedule a employment in-take consultation.
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